2013 (6)

Sunday, 31 July 2016 16:13

Deus ex machina

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The playwrights solved the totally hopeless situations by a divine intervention in the ancient Greek dramas; the expression quoted in the title was given to this dramatic turn. There was a lot of criticism of these solutions of dramatists; I have now quoted from Aristotle only: “In the characters too, exactly as in the structure of the incidents, [the poet] ought always to seek what is either necessary or probable, so that it is either necessary or probable that a person of such-and-such a sort say or do things of the same sort, and it is either necessary or probable that this [incident] happen after that one. It is obvious that the solutions of plots too should come about as…
Sunday, 31 July 2016 16:11

Causality and target-tracking

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Determinism or indeterminism or something else Determinism is a philosophical position stating that for everything that happens there are conditions such that, given those conditions, nothing else could happen. Representatives deny the existence of random events. Indeterminism is the philosophical concept that there exist random events, i.e. certain events are not caused. It is the opposite of determinism. I would like to show that there is a third possibility in the case of debate of determinism and indeterminism.1 So the law of excluded middle is not usable. _____________________________________ 1 The determinism / indeterminism issue has been touched upon "About freedom and free will" , I was writing.
Sunday, 31 July 2016 16:01

A few words on books and philosophy

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  1. Wenzi, Authentic Scripture of Pervading Mystery The book is a work of Wenzi who was one of Laozi’s followers, although the author's name is vague, and the era is also indeterminate when he lived. This book is regarded as an explanation of “Tao Te Ching”. … 2. Otto Hévizi, Time and syncretism (with a constant look onto Nietzsche) I read nothing yet from Hévizi’s works but I found more downloadable material on the net from him. These Hévizi’s writings were readable but in a sophisticated style. … 3. Martin Heidegger, The concept of time I obtained this book in a second-hand bookshop (Kossuth Könyvkiadó, 1992.). The writing is a lecture, which Heidegger kept in 1924,, and I would…
Sunday, 31 July 2016 15:59

Brief thoughts about complexity

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1. Kronecker was wrong Kronecker was quoted often as having said, "God made natural numbers; all else is the work of man". In my opinion Kronecker did not think correctly, people have created known numbers, but God's numbers are still hidden from us. Men simplify the things because they can only understand step-by-step the very difficult matters. 2. Occam's Razor Occam's razor is an approach to the understanding of something, which means that “the simplest explanation is usually the correct one”. In another words one should always opt for an explanation in terms of the fewest possible causes, factors, or variables. On the other hand discovery of new and complex thing will be possible if and only if we assume the…
Sunday, 31 July 2016 15:57

The age of the intellectual barbarity

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“If anyone in a discussion with us is not concerned with adjusting himself to truth, if he has no wish to find the truth, he is intellectually a barbarian.” (José Ortega Y Gasset, The Revolt of the Masses) The spread of the information became "timeless"1 with use of internet. Considerable proportion of humanity can get news or information about scientific discovery as soon as it is put onto one of the media. … The acquisition of the new information depends on the quality of data processing and his velocity alone because of the gigantic quantity of the information. … _________________________________ 1The speed of information is almost infinite speed.  
Sunday, 31 July 2016 15:54

The devaluation of functions of language

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„The Retreat from the Word” (George Steiner1) This very day, I am under the influence of George Steiner’s essay titled “The Retreat from the Word”. The author's writing does not have out of date, but the past five decades2 justified it every bit. The devaluation of language – as Steiner also wrote – manifested primarily in the following processes: * The submission of successively larger areas of knowledge to the modes and proceedings of mathematics, * The increasing spread of musical culture, especially among young people, * ... _____________________________________ 1 The motto is the title of one of George Steiner’s essays. 2 The essay was published in 1961.